7 Tips Every Dealership Manager Must Know To Become Better Leaders4 min read

7 Tips Every Dealership Manager Must Know To Become Better Leaders
Over the years, I’ve discovered that managers need not just advice about how to hire the best people but also coaching them on handling different situations with customers and team members at the dealership. Managers need to know how to manage others, and they need to know how to act like leaders themselves. Because of my role as a controller at prominent dealerships, I have witnessed the best and worst managerial soft skills along with the subsequent outcome. I have rounded up my top seven lessons.

1. Praise in public – criticize in private
It is a good idea to praise employees when they do good work in front of their co-workers. That way, everyone will know that they are doing a good job. However, it is also important to criticize them in private so that they can learn from their mistakes without feeling embarrassed.
2. Say what you do and do what you say
When you are a manager, it is important to always say what you mean and mean what you say. That way, your employees will know exactly what you expect from them, and they will be able to follow your lead. Additionally, if you act on your words and do what you say, it will show your employees that you are serious about your expectations for them and that you are willing to put in the work yourself.
3. Show enthusiasm – even on days when it’s difficult
When you are a manager, it is important to always be enthusiastic. Try to show that you are happy to be there and working with your team, even if you don’t feel like it or the day is difficult. This will make everyone else feel more positive and motivated, which can help them get through difficult times.
4. Be a good role model – or find out how to become one
If you want your employees to act and behave in a certain way, it is important to be a good role model for them. Show them how you want them to act, and they will likely follow suit. Additionally, by being a good role model, you can set the standards for how you expect your employees to behave.
5. Teach them to fish so they can do their magic
The more effort you place on training or mentoring your team, the quicker you can lead them to greatness rather than babysitting or micromanaging them. In fact, one of the worst things you can do as a manager is micromanage your employees. This will only make them feel stressed and anxious and likely lead to them making more mistakes. Instead, trust that they know what they are doing and give them the freedom to work independently.
6. Don’t settle for good enough
Eventually, everyone (staff and managers) will naturally become complacent and settle for good enough. Managers who settle for good enough will never truly be successful. They will always be chasing after the next thing, and they will never be able to appreciate what they have. On the other hand, managers who are always looking for ways to improve will be more successful in the long run.
Inspiring your team is essential for success. If your team doesn’t believe in you, they won’t be motivated to do their best work. Don’t settle for good enough as a manager, it’s your job to ensure that your team knows that you believe in them and that you are confident in their abilities.
7. Be critical of how you are doing – then identify ways to improve
Ask your employees who the best dealership is in the world (or the nearest competitor) and learn from them. Get their input on what makes that dealership the best and what your dealership could do to improve. This will show your employees that you are always looking for ways to improve and that you value their opinion. Additionally, it will give you some insight into what your employees think is important.
Next Steps:
In order to be a successful manager, it is important to know and understand the seven lessons listed above. These lessons will help you lead your team in the right direction and inspire them to do their best work. If you can remember these seven lessons and apply them to your own managerial style, you are sure to see success.
Looking for more tips on how to succeed as a new dealership manager? Check out our articles for more helpful tips, or enroll in one of our online automotive management courses!